Where can I find Adobe Express in presono?
1. Create a new media with Adobe Express (in the Content Structure)
2. Creating an image in the Slide/Presentation
3. Editing an existing image in the media detail view
Option 1: Cropping the image
Option 2: Resize
Option 3: remove background
Option 4: convert to PNG
Option 5: open editor
Option 6: replace with new Image
With Adobe Express you can now edit your media in presono! Yes, that's right! For example, you can crop images, correct them, remove their background or perform other actions in presono. All you need is a free Adobe Express account, which you then connect to your presono account once. From that point on, you can use all the features of Adobe Express in your Slide, in the Content Structure or in individual Media! We'll show you how it works!
Registration with Adobe Express is free - you will find the option to register or login directly in the editor - more on this in the next paragraph.
Ideally, you should create a connection to your account right at the start and then get started. If you are not yet logged in, you will find a notice in the upper left corner of the corresponding editor. To be able to save, you must register or log in in any case.
Using Adobe Express allows you to create new Media with Adobe Express and then upload it to presono. On the other hand, you can edit existing Media from presono - for example, you can add something (text, icons, arrows, etc.), but you can also change the size or remove the background of an image, for example. These changes will then be applied to all Slides, Templates and Presentation using this image.
Where can I find Adobe Express in presono?
You can access Adobe Express from various places:
- directly in the Content Structure in the New menu,
- directly in the Slide (or in your Slide in the Presentation) or
- in the detail view of a media.
With the first two options, you can create a completely new media and then upload it to presono. The third option allows you to edit existing media in presono using Adobe Express. This will then be replaced wherever it is already in use.
1. Create a new media with Adobe Express (in the Content Structure)
To create a new media, click on the Content Structure and then on the "New" button. There you will find the option to create a new medium with Adobe Express.
Then select an aspect ratio for your medium and click on "Proceed".
Adobe Express will now open in an overlay. If you have not yet linked your account yet, you have the option of creating a free account or logging in here at the top left.
In the editor you will now find various options, templates and actions on the left and right to create your own image. At the end you can then click on "Insert" at the top right to save the image as a new media directly in presono. You can find out more here: Upload media
2. Creating an image in the Slide/Presentation
If you want to create a medium directly from a Slide or from a Presentation, you will find this option at the top of the "Content type" section.
Select an empty section to create a new image with Adobe.
Now follow the steps exactly as in 1. Create a new media with Adobe Express (in the Content Structure)
3. Editing an existing image in the media detail view
To edit an existing medium, open it in the Content Structure by double-clicking on it. You will find the option to edit the image with Adobe Express at the top right.
Tip: if you want to keep the original medium (temporarily), you can download the original by clicking on "Download". Then upload it again to presono and edit this version. At the end you can still merge the two media by using the "delete and replace" function.
The quick options will now open. Here you can crop your image (1), change the size (2), remove the background (3), convert the format to PNG (4), open the full editor (5) or replace the image with a completely new one (6).
Option 1: Cropping the image
If you click on "Crop", you can now crop your image and then apply it (1). Or you can also switch to the editor here (2).
Option 2: Resize
If you click on " Resize", the following options are available:
1. you can select one of the presets (such as the formats for Instagram, Facebook or similar) and then
2. select one of the suggested formats. Then drag your image to the right place in the area on the left.
3. you can then click on "Apply" to save the changes or
4. open the editor to make further adjustments.
Option 3: remove background
If you click on "Remove background", Adobe will automatically remove your background:
Once this process is complete, you can apply the changes (1) or open the editor (2) for further changes.
Option 4: convert to PNG
If you click on "Convert to PNG", your image will be converted automatically and you can apply the change (1) or make further changes in the editor (2).
Option 5: open editor
If you open your image in the editor, you have various options available. Here you can insert images, shapes, backgrounds, text or similar, you can apply filters, make improvements and change various other parameters. At the end, click "Insert" in the top right-hand corner to apply the changes.
Option 6: replace with new Image
If you click on "Replace with a new image", you can create a new element with Adobe Express. You can find the steps here: 1. Create a new media with Adobe Express (in the Content Structure)