Classic linear presentation
Interactive presentations
As touch app
In this article you will learn how many different types of presentations you can make in presono!
presono offers you many ways to create and present a presentation. You can create linear presentations as well as interactive presentations and even app-like presentations!
Find some examples below:
Classic linear presentation
Of course you can create linear presentations in presono. So a presentation, where you start on the first slide and switch to the next slide using the arrow keys or the space bar, until you have reached at the end of the presentation. If you are using a touch device, you can navigate back and forward using a wipe gesture. To create a linear presentation, you must create all the slides first and insert them into a new presentation in the desired order. Once you've saved your presentation, you can get started with your laptop, touch device or presenter!
Interactive presentations
You can also add interactive elements - links - to your linear presentation! All you have to do is set links to individual content (text or image) on the slide. When you present the slide, just click on the respective link and create your path through the presentation interactively and flexible! So you no longer have to present everything from the first slide to the last slide and skip some content or search for specific slides. For example, you can build a so-called hub slide. So an overview slide, where several slides or presentations are linked.
More information here: Present interactively and here: Linking Possibilities at a Glance
An example:
Let's say you want to present a portfolio of your services or products. Then you make yourself an overview slide and various other slides, which contain further details. From the overview or hub slide you only have to link to the subpages. Then you can create your presentation and just insert the hub slide. When presenting you can ask the question: "What exactly do you want to know?" And depending on that, you can then click on the individual areas and present the respective content without having to skip 5 slides first! Great, isn't it?
presono's tip:
You can also create an overlay and then link it either in the template or in all your slides - so you can create your very own menu! Read more here: Linking Possibilities at a Glance
As touch app
presono can also be used as a touch application for trade fairs and other events. You can create a menu and various overview pages with branch points. Additionally you can activate the kiosk mode or an autoplay of the presentation. Or you can deactivate all user interactions. Read more here: Settings
At trade fairs or events, you can click through your presentation on screens using a touchscreen and do not need an additional programmed app! Of course you can manage and update the content yourself!
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