Choose a dataset
Set time period
1. Key Figures
2. Top Sides
Exporting the data
3. Top Presentations
Exporting the data
4. Slide-Trend
Exporting the data
5. Presentation trend
Exporting the data
6. Top Workspaces
7. Top Users
Exporting the data
8. Top Languages
Exporting the data
In this article you will learn how to use the analytics in presono and thus analyze the internal usage of presono!
All your presentation data is summarized in the analytics depending on your settings. So you can evaluate the use of presono directly in the tool!
The most frequently shown presentations and Slides, the top users and the most frequently used languages are displayed for a defined period and respective other filters. There are also various download options for exporting this data. More on this below.
To access the evaluation overview, click on the pie chart icon in the menu bar.
What analytics are available?
On the overview page you can see different graphs with names and descriptions:
- Key figures
- Top Sides
- Top presentations
- Slide trend
- Presentation trend
- Top workspaces
- Top users
- Top languages
Further down in this article you will find detailed information for all individual areas.
Overview & filters/settings
If nothing has been selected/filtered yet, you will now see all analytics for the entire company and the entire available time period. You will receive targeted analytics and comparative values if you select the dataset and the time period individually. More on this below.
Of course, your permissions are taken into account here - so you only see the analytics for those workspaces where you have been granted this permission:
However, there is also a group permission that allows all users in this group to see all analytics for the entire platform:
Choose a dataset
To specify for which users, workspaces, groups and languages the analytics should be displayed, select "Customize dataset". Now you can select a Scope and a Language. To update the analytics displayed, click on "Update Analytics" at the end.
If you select "Entire company", the data will be calculated for the entire company. However, you can limit it to your own content by selecting "Personal" from the list.
If you only need the data for specific users, groups or workspaces, you can also select these. In all 3 cases, an extended selection appears on the right - here you can see the corresponding groups/users/workspaces and select them individually. You also have a search function here. Click on "Update Analytics" at the end to apply your filtering.
Just below under "Set language" you can select a specific language for which the analytics should be calculated. Now click on "Update Analytics" to apply the data.
If you want to discard the settings, click on an area outside the window. It will close automatically and your changes will be discarded.
Of course, you can also see which filters you have set when this window is closed:
Set time period
In addition to "Change dataset", you can also change the period by clicking on the date.
By default, the entire time period (since you started using presono) is selected. You can change this selection by selecting one of the other time periods. It is possible to filter by "day", "week", "month", "year", "ever" and a "custom" period. After selecting a period, it can be defined more precisely on the right-hand side. Now click on "Update Analytics" to apply the data. If you want to discard the settings, click on an area outside the window. It will close automatically and your changes will be discarded.
To access the detailed view of a graph, you can select all available views via "quickselect graph" at the top right. Or you can use the "Details" button next to the respective graph.
What graphs are available?
1. Key Figures
You will find the following values in the key figures:
- the number of slides shown
- the average time that Slides were shown in a presentation
- the number of presentations shown and
- the average time each presentation was shown
These figures will change depending on what you have set for the dataset and time period. There is no detail view here and no export of the data.
2. Top Sides
This graph shows you the 20 most frequently shown/presented Slides (for the selected dataset and time period) in the overview. To get more details, you can switch to the detailed view.
Here you can see a graph at the top with the 50 Slides that were shown most frequently:
Here you can see your slides and for each slide you can also see the ratio of the languages shown. If you move the mouse over a bar, you will see the exact figures.
Directly below you will find the table with the figures for this graph:
If you have more than the 50 entries shown on the first page, you can switch to the other pages at the bottom:
You can read the following values per Slide here:
- the title of your slide - you can also click on this to go directly to the slide
- how often the Slide was shown - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- how long it was shown on average in a presentation - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- in which presentation this Slide was shown most frequently - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- by which user this Slide was shown most frequently - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- in which language this Slide was shown most frequently - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- how often the Slide was shown in total in presono - without taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period) or permission. This is a reference value to be able to put the values in relation to each other.
- how long it was shown on average in a presentation - without taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period) or permission. This is a reference value to be able to set the values in relation to each other.
Exporting the data
The analytics can also be exported - click on "Download data" in the top right-hand corner.
You have 2 options here:
1. you can export the current page (the first 50 Slides) as a CSV or Excel file.
2. you can also export the entire analytics of the top slides (in this example, all available pages) as a CSV or Excel file.
With both options, your filtering is of course taken into account ( dataset and time period). Please note that the entire export may take some time (depending on the amount of data).
Note: In the Excel file, the data is located on the second spreadsheet - on the first spreadsheet you will find an overview of the set filters.
Pro tip: In both exports you will also find an ID for the slides and presentations. If you do not need these columns, you can delete them without hesitation. These are used to guide you clearly to your slide or presentation - you can simply insert them in the URL to go directly to your slide/presentation!
3. Top Presentations
This graph shows you (for the selected dataset and time period) the 20 most frequently shown/presented presentations in the overview. To get more details, you can switch to the detailed view.
Here you can see a graph at the top with the 50 presentations that were shown most frequently:
Here you can see your presentations and for each presentation you can also see the ratio of languages shown. If you move the mouse over a bar, you will see the exact figures.
Directly below you will find the table with the figures for this graph:
If you have more than the 50 entries shown on the first page, you can switch to the other pages at the bottom:
You can find the following values per presentation here:
- the title of your presentation - you can also click on this to go directly to the presentation
- how often the presentation was shown - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- how long it was shown on average - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- by which user this presentation was shown most often - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- in which language this presentation was shown most frequently - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- how often the presentation was shown in total in presono - without taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period) or permission. This is a reference value to be able to put the values in relation to each other.
- how long it was shown on average - without taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period) or permission. This is a reference value to be able to put the values in relation to each other.
Exporting the data
The analytics can also be exported - click on "Download data" in the top right-hand corner.
You have 2 options here:
1. you can export the current page (the first 50 presentations) as a CSV or Excel file.
2. you can also export the entire analytics of the top presentations (in this example all 4 pages) as a CSV or Excel file.
With both options, your filtering is of course taken into account ( dataset and time period). Please note that the entire export may take some time (depending on the amount of data).
Note: In the Excel file, the data is located on the second spreadsheet - on the first spreadsheet you will find an overview of the set filters.
Pro tip: In both exports you will also find an ID for the slides and presentations. If you do not need these columns, you can delete them without hesitation. These are used to guide you clearly to your slide or presentation - you can simply insert them in the URL to go directly to your slide/presentation!
4. Slide-Trend
With the Slide Trend, you can already see a trend for the filtered area & period in the overview. Here you can already switch between daily, yearly, weekly or monthly - depending on the period you have set above. You can also choose between Slides, Users and Groups. More on this below.
You can also switch to the detailed view here to get a more detailed overview.
You have the following options & views in the detailed view:
- here you can see a graph where you can set the following things (2&3):
- the partition - here you can choose between daily, yearly, weekly or monthly - depending on which period you have set above or how large the data range is, there are always a maximum of 2 to choose from. Depending on what you choose here, your graph will be distributed accordingly.
- the selection between Slides, Users and Groups, this selection is also reflected in the graph.
- the table with all values, depending on what you have set in the graph (at 2&3) (see below for more details)
- the option to export your data (see below for more details).
The content of the table below (4) depends on what you have set in 2&3 above. The following options are available:
If you filter by Slides you will see:
1. a line with the total number in this period (across all pages)
2. the name of the individual slides - you can also click directly on this to go to the corresponding slide
3. how often this Slide was shown in total in the selected period
4. who has shown it most often and
5. the individual values depending on the partition- the columns depend on the partition selected at 2 above (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly - depending on the period you have selected). If there are too many columns for this page, a scroll bar will appear at the bottom, which you can use to scroll to the right.
If there are more than the 10 entries shown, you can also switch to the next page at the bottom - however, the total value refers to all pages.
If you filter by users, you will see:
1. a line with the total number in this period (across all pages)
2. the name of the individual user (exactly as in the legend)
3. how many slides this user has shown in total in the selected period
4. which Slide the user has shown most frequently (here you can click directly on the Slide) and
5. the individual values depending on the partition - the columns depend on the selected partition at 2 above (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly - depending on the period you have selected). If there are too many columns for this page, a scroll bar will appear at the bottom, which you can use to scroll to the right.
If there are more than the 10 entries shown, you can also switch to the next page at the bottom - however, the total value refers to all pages.
If you filter by group, you will see
1. a line with the total number in this period (across all pages)
2. the name of the individual groups (exactly as in the legend)
3. how many slides this group has shown in total in the selected period
4. which Slide the group has shown most frequently (you can also click on the Slide here) and
5. the individual values depending on the partition - the columns depend on the selected partition at 2 above (daily, weekly, monthly, annually - depending on the period you have selected). If there are too many columns for this page, a scroll bar will appear at the bottom, which you can use to scroll to the right.
Note: In the group evaluation, the presentations of a user are evaluated for each group in which the user is located.
If there are more than the 10 entries shown, you can also switch to the next page at the bottom - however, the total value refers to all pages.
Exporting the data
Analytics can also be exported - click on "Download data" in the top right-hand corner.
You have 2 options here:
1. you can export the current selection (all pages but only the current filtering) as a CSV or Excel file. Your selection of Slides/users/groups and the partition (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) will be exported - for example, the users divided by week.
2. you can also export the entire Analytics as an Excel file. In this case, only an Excel spreadsheet can be exported, as the slides, users and groups are exported according to the available partitions and placed in different spreadsheets.
With both options, your filtering is of course taken into account (data range & time period). Please note that the entire export may take some time (depending on the amount of data).
Note: In the Excel file, the data is located on the second (and subsequent) spreadsheet - on the first spreadsheet you will find an overview of the set filters.
Pro tip: In both exports you will also find an ID of the presentations/slides. If you do not need this column, you can delete it without hesitation. These are used to guide you clearly to your presentation/slide - you can simply insert them in the URL to go directly to your slide/presentation!
5. Presentation trend
With the presentation trend, you can already see a trend for the filtered area & period in the overview. Here you can already switch between daily, yearly, weekly or monthly - depending on the period you have set above. You can also choose between presentations, users and groups. More on this below.
You can also switch back to the detailed view here to get a more detailed overview.
You have the following options & views in the detailed view:
- Here you can see a graph where you can set the following things (2&3):
- the partition - here you can choose between daily, yearly, weekly or monthly - depending on which period you have set above or how large the data range is, there are always a maximum of 2 to choose from. Depending on what you choose here, your graph will be distributed accordingly.
- the selection between presentations, users and groups, this selection is also reflected in the graph.
- the table with all values, depending on what you have set in the graph (at 2&3) (see below for more details)
- the option to export your data (see below for more details).
The content of the table below (4) depends on what you have set in 2&3 above. The following options are available:
If you filter by presentations, you will see
1. a line with the total number in this period (across all pages)
2. the name of the individual presentations - you can also click directly on this to go to the corresponding presentation
3. how often this presentation was shown in total in the selected time period
4. who showed it most often and
5. the individual values depending on the partition - the columns depend on the selected partition at 2 above (daily, weekly, monthly, annually - depending on the period you have selected). If there are too many columns for this page, a scroll bar will appear at the bottom, which you can use to scroll to the right.
If there are more than the 10 entries shown, you can also switch to the next page at the bottom - however, the total value refers to all pages.
If you filter by users, you will see:
1. a line with the total number in this period (across all pages)
2. the name of the individual user (exactly as in the legend)
3. how many presentations this user has shown in total in the selected time period
4. which presentation the user showed most frequently (here you can click directly on the presentation) and
5. the individual values depending on the partition - the columns depend on the selected partition at 2 above (daily, weekly, monthly, annually - depending on the period you have selected). If there are too many columns for this page, a scroll bar will appear at the bottom, which you can use to scroll to the right.
If there are more than the 10 entries shown, you can also switch to the next page at the bottom - however, the total value refers to all pages.
If you filter by group, you will see
1. a line with the total number in this period (across all pages)
2. the name of the individual groups (exactly as in the legend)
3. how many slides this group has shown in total in the selected period
4. which Slide the group has shown most frequently (you can also click on the Slide here) and
5. the individual values depending on the partition - the columns depend on the selected partition at 2 above (daily, weekly, monthly, annually - depending on the period you have selected). If there are too many columns for this page, a scroll bar will appear at the bottom, which you can use to scroll to the right.
Note: In the group evaluation, the presentations of a user are evaluated for each group in which the user is located.
If there are more than the 10 entries shown, you can also switch to the next page at the bottom - however, the total value refers to all pages.
Exporting the data
Analytics can also be exported - click on "Download data" in the top right-hand corner.
You have 2 options here:
1. you can export the current selection (all pages but only the current filtering) as a CSV or Excel file. Your selection of Slides/users/groups and the partition (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) will be exported - for example, the users divided by week.
2. you can also export the entire Analytics as an Excel file. In this case, only an Excel spreadsheet can be exported, as the slides, users and groups are exported according to the available partitions and placed in different spreadsheets.
With both options, your filtering is of course taken into account (data range & time period). Please note that the entire export may take some time (depending on the amount of data).
Note: In the Excel file, the data is located on the second (and subsequent) spreadsheet - on the first spreadsheet you will find an overview of the set filters.
Pro tip: In both exports you will also find an ID of the presentations/slides. If you do not need this column, you can delete it without hesitation. These are used to guide you clearly to your presentation/slide - you can simply insert them in the URL to go directly to your slide/presentation!
6. Top Workspaces
In the overview you will see a section at the bottom left with the top 20 workspaces.
This area is always the same and applies to your entire presono - it does not change even if you change your filters at the top. These numbers give you a general overview of how many slides, presentations, media and template sets you have in the platform and what their ratio is. In the graph, you can then see which workspaces hold the most content.
7. Top Users
In your overview you will also see your top 3 users - filtered according to your settings at the top for scope, language and time period. For more details, you can switch to the detailed view here.
In the detailed view, you will then see a table listing all your users. You can also export your data again. You can see the following details here:
- the name of your user - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
the number of presentations shown by the user - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period) - the average time per presentation - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
the total presentation duration of this user - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period) - the most frequently shown presentation of this user - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- the most frequently shown Slide of this user - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- the most frequently shown language of this user - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- the number of presentations shown by the user - without taking into account your filtering (dataset & time period) or authorization. This is a reference value in order to be able to put the values in relation to each other.
- the average time per presentation of this user - without taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period) or authorization. This is a reference value in order to be able to put the values in relation to each other.
- the total presentation duration of this user - without taking into account your filtering (dataset & time period) or authorization. This is a reference value in order to be able to set the values in relation to each other.
If there are more than the 10 entries shown, you can also switch to the next page at the bottom - however, the total value refers to all pages.
Exporting the data
Analytics can also be exported - click on "Download data" in the top right-hand corner.
You have 2 options here:
1. you can export the current page (in this case the first 50 users) as a CSV or Excel file.
2. you can also export the entire Analytics of the top users (all 22 pages) as a CSV or Excel file.
With both options, your filtering is of course taken into account (data range & time period). Please note that the entire export may take some time (depending on the amount of data).
Note: In the Excel file, the data is located on the second (and subsequent) spreadsheet - on the first spreadsheet you will find an overview of the set filters.
Pro tip: In both exports you will also find an ID of the presentations/slides. If you do not need this column, you can delete it without hesitation. These are used to guide you clearly to your presentation/slide - you can simply insert them in the URL to go directly to your slide/presentation!
8. Top Languages
You can see the Analytics of your languages in the overview at the bottom right. To find out more details, you can switch to the detailed view.
You can see the following in the detailed view:
- a graph with the ratio of your languages - if you move the mouse over it, you will see the exact value of the slides shown - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- the table with the exact values of the languages - more on this below
- here you can export the data again - more on this below
You can see the following values in your table:
- all languages, sorted by frequency - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- the number of slides shown per language - taking into account your filtering (dataset & time period)
- the number of presentations shown per language - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period)
- the most frequently shown presentation per language - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period). Here you can click directly on the presentation to switch to the presentation.
- the most frequently shown Slide per language - taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period). Here you can click directly on the Slide to switch to the Slide.
- the total number of slides shown - without taking into account your filtering (dataset and time period) or authorization. This is a reference value so that you can compare the values.
- the total number of presentations shown - without taking into account your filtering (dataset & time period) or authorization. This is a reference value to be able to put the values in relation to each other.
Exporting the data
Analytics can also be exported - click on "Download data" in the top right-hand corner.
Here you have the option of exporting the current page as a CSV or Excel file.
Your filtering is taken into account (dataset and time period) here as well.
Note: In the Excel file, the data is located on the second spreadsheet - on the first spreadsheet you will find an overview of the set filters.
Pro tip: You will find an ID for the slides/presentations in the exports. If you do not need these columns, you can delete them without hesitation. These are used to guide you clearly to your slide or presentation - you can simply insert them in the URL to go directly to your slide/presentation!
Good to know:
Are Sessions created when using the Kiosk Mode and are those data also taken into account for the analytics?
Presentation held when using the Kiosk Mode are only creating a Session and therefore Presentation-Data which are displayed in our Analytics, if you are not playing your presentation in Autoplay-Mode. If there is any interaction with presono, a Session will be started and therefore presentation data will be delivered.
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