Desktop Apps (Windows, MacOS)
Smartphone Apps (Viewer Apps for iOS and Android)
presono offers several applications for different devices:
- a desktop app for Windows and MacOS and
- Apps for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) for Android and iOS.
The desktop apps are designed for presenting and working, whereas the apps for mobile devices are primarily made for presenting.
Find out more here: What is the difference between the Desktop App (Windows/Mac) and the apps for Android and iOS (iPad, iPhone)?
Desktop Apps (Windows, MacOS)
These apps offer you an online and an offline mode. In the online mode all functions can be used without restrictions, just like in the browser. In offline mode there are some restrictions:
- Login
- Contents (Slides, Presentations, Media, Templates) can not be deleted
- Media can only be viewed and used. However, no new media can be uploaded. It is also not possible to replace or delete media offline.
- The same applies to PDFs, which can be viewed and used, but cannot be uploaded, changed or deleted.
- iFrames can only be displayed if the device has an Internet connection
- Translations of Slides cannot be managed offline.
- Content in the Content Structure cannot be moved offline.
- External share links that were created offline are only valid once the app has been synchronized
- Internal and external analytics can also only be viewed online. A corresponding notice appears
- The tracking of content usage can also only be viewed online, as this query always takes place live.
- Various connections and integrations (DeepL, OpenAI, DallE) can also only be used online.
Smartphone Apps (Viewer Apps for iOS and Android)
These apps are primarily designed for presenting. Therefore presentations can only be presented and opened here. Changes can not be done at the current version.
Slides and media can also be accessed, but cannot be created, edited or deleted.
Templates are not visible in the mobile apps, as no slides or presentations can be created. PDFs and notes are also not accessible directly. But if a PDF is used in a presentation, it can be presented anyway.
The mobile apps also offer you an offline mode. Individual contents and presentations can be made available offline and thus be presented without an internet connection.
Find out more here: What is the difference between the Desktop App (Windows/Mac) and the apps for Android and iOS (iPad, iPhone)?
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