In this article you will learn what distinguishes a presentation in presono.
Unlike other tools, a presentation in presono consists of references to one or more slides. Thus a slide can easily be used in several presentations. For example, you can create a contact slide once and use it in various presentations. If you now modify the content of this slide, the changes are immediately adopted in all presentations referring to it.
Presentations in presono are characterized above all by their flexibility and interactivity. So you can dynamically insert content (slides, media, documents or even complete presentations) via the so-called enter menu. Find out more here: What is the Enter Menu? and here: Flexible presentation.
Individual slides can also link to other slides. This makes sense, if you present your products at a trade fair. Visitors can then go through the presentation interactively and decide for themselves which products they want more information about. With these possibilities, you can respond perfectly to your audience in any situation. Find out more here: Creating interactive presentations & Various presentations in presono
After finishing a presentation, an exact image of the slides shown will be created: the session. You can share this session with your audience. You can find out more here: What is a session?
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