Design Settings
Slide transitions
In this article you will find everything you can set in the settings!
Profile Settings
The "profile settings" only affect your user. They have no effect on the other users in your system.
User Profile
Here you can change your data (1), reset your password (2) or set/replace the profile image (3). You can also see which workspaces and groups you are a member of and manage them.
General settings
1. Languages
Here you can change the language of the user interface(1). This will switch your entire interface to english, german or french.
You can also select the preferred language for content. If several languages have been created in the "languages" tab, you can choose which language you need most often. For example, if you set it to english, every slide and presentation you open from now on will be displayed in english first (if available). Of course you can still choose between the different translations.
2. Transition between slides
Here you can choose transition effects(2) for your presentations. If you don't choose another one, "slide" is preselected. This means that the next slide will "slide in" from the right. You can also set the duration of the animation with the slider below. The transition effect cannot be selected for each slide individually, but only for you as user. All presentations you start from now on will have the selected transition effect until you change it again. The administrator determines which effects you can choose. You can find more information here: Change slide transition effect
3. Enter Menü
If you are presenting on a touch device, you can open the enter menu(3) during the presentation by tapping on the right or left edge on your screen. Here in the settings you can choose whether it should be the left or right border. For example, if you have a button on the very left side of your screen in your presentation, you should place the Enter menu on the right side, otherwise you will open the Enter menu instead of selecting your button. You can find more about the Enter menu here: What is the Enter menu?
Kiosk Mode
The Kiosk Mode is a presentation mode, which was especially developed for presenting on Trade Fairs or Sales Events. It is a Setting which is done for each User individually and it will also be applied to all devices, the user is logged in to. It allows to continuously run Presentations in loops and provides additional functionality for special events like fairs.
First you have to activate it in the upper right corner. Please find more Detals here: What is Kiosk Mode?
Here you can find all users working in your instance. You can see the name, the mail address and a status (whether the user has activated his account or not). Furthermore you can see the workspaces of the users and in which groups they are members. In the toolbar you can also choose how the users should be sorted and ranked. You can find more information here: Manage rights & groups
Here you find all user groups existing on your platform. General rights in the software are assigned on a group basis. You can see the name of the group, the group members, the assigned workspaces and you have an indicator how many general rights this group has. Here you can also adjust the sorting in the upper right corner. More about the settings you find here: Manage rights & groups
Why user groups? Groups combine several users in order to make the administration of rights easier. Thus, the rights for several users can be set up at the same time and do not have to be managed individually for each user. Access rights to content in the workspaces as well as general rights to various presono functions can be controlled.
In the workspaces you will find all workspaces and sub-workspaces that are in your platform. In the overview you can see the name of the workspace, which users can work in it and which groups. By clicking on workspaces, you can edit them. You can find more information here: Manage Workspaces
Here you can manage your categories. You can create new ones, move, rename or delete existing ones. If there are subcategories for a category, you can display them by clicking on the main category. You can read more about using categories here: Categories, Workspaces & Rights
Create new categories
To create a new category, click on "add new category" at the top of the level where you want to create a new category. Alternatively, you can also click on "new" at the top right.
A window appears in which you have to set the name(1) of the category and in which workspace(2) the category should be located. If you click on the plus(3) below the name, you can translate the name of the category. When you are finished, click "save(4)".
Rename, translate and delete categories
If you want to rename or delete a category, click it. You get two icons:
an X icon to delete the category and a pen icon to edit it.
If you want to delete a category that still contains content, a window appears. You can choose where the content should be moved to. You will also get a warning if there are any subcategories left in the category.
Move Categories
If you want to move one or more (sub)categories, click "move" in the upper right corner.
Now select(1) the categories you want to move. When you have selected all of them, you can click on "move selected categories here(2)" at the top of each level. Then everything you have marked will be moved here.
Here you can define new languages, which you can use to translate your slides. German is set as default language. This means that if there is no translation for a slide, the german version will be used.
If you select a language, you can view and change the details. You can also delete the language with the trashcan icon.
If you want to create a new language, choose "add new language" in the top right corner. If you click "language(1)", you can choose all possible languages. You can also enter the name of a language and click to select it.
At "property(2)" you have to choose a country or flag.
As "display name(3)" you can choose any name you like. When you have finished, click on "save(4).
You can find more about translations here: Present in other languages
In the "configurations" you can make general settings for your platform and all users on it.
Design Settings
1. Font size
For the font size you can activate one or more percentage values. This means that if you allow the font size to be changed in an area of a layout template, then the user can choose between the values you allow here. 100% is always the value that was set in the layout template. More about layout templates you can find here: Creating Layout Templates
2. System fonts
with the slider on the right you can (de-)activate the fonts, which are already delivered with presono. You can use this already stored fonts, but you can also upload more.
3. Font family
With the font family you can upload your own font! Click on "Add a new font" in the upper right corner. Then a window will appear in which you can drag a .woff file, or you click in the area and select the file directly on your computer. Then click on "upload".
Next you have to name your font(1). Then you can select the font weight(2) and style(3).
You can also upload several styles at once by clicking on "Add a new font"(4). You can delete fonts by using the trash can icon (5). When you are done, click "save".
Now your fonts appear in all templates when you select a font at the top of the toolbar!
4. Template Colors
You can save each color of your CI/CD as a Color Variable for quick selecting. These will appear wherever you can set a color (in the template and slide editor). In the template editor, for example, you can use the colors for the background color of an area as well as for the font or border color. In the slide editor you will find the color selection where changing the text color in the template is allowed.
If you change the color anytime later, the Color will be changed everywhere where it was used before!
You can also use our Integration of Adobe Colors to manage your Company Colors not only in presono but in your corporate Adobe Account - find more about this here: Adobe Colors
To add a new color, click "Add a new color(1)" in the upper right corner. A color will appear where you can assign a name(2) and enter the exact color values(3) (either using HEX code or RGB values). Or click or drag your color directly in the preview(4) until you have a color you like. Then click "save".
If you want to change or delete a color, select the color, change the values to the right or use the trash can icon. The color will then no longer appear in the quick selection in the Template or Slide Editor. If you change a color, this will have no effect on the elements where the color was previously applied.
5. Adopt demo content from layouts
Here you can set globally whether the demo content from your layouts should be transferred to newly created Slides. The following options are available:
1. always - here the demo content is taken over for every newly created slide (it can of course still be completely removed via the trash can icon)
2. Let the user decide - here the user chooses in the window where a layout is selected whether the demo content should be adopted or not
3. Never - in this case the demo content is not adopted but only used to generate the thumbnails of layouts.
Slide transitions
Here you can configure which transition effects users can choose at your platform. Here you can select or deselect a total of five effects (1). Depending on how many are activated, the users of your platform can then choose between the respective effects in their "profile settings".
You can also set a standard slide transition effect (2) that is selected as long as the individual users have not yet made any settings for themselves.
With the slider (3) in the upper right corner you activate the setting for your users that they can choose how long the respective animation should last for the individual effects.
This setting also affects the transition effects that can be selected for shared links. Only those animations that have been permitted can be selected in this case.
If you know CSS, you can create new global "styles". These can then be used in templates. Click on the arrow at the bottom in the template editor and enter the respective class name in an area. The CSS style will then be applied to this area.
presono's tip:
You can also define CSS styles per template set!
Under "Company" you can make some global settings:
- Company
- Share duration
- Offline timeout
- Privacy policy for shared content
- Deactivation of PDFs
- Terms of use for downloading media
1. Company
With these settings, you can customize the Enter menu, the end screen in your presentation and the interface of Share Links (presentations and sessions).
Here you can select a main interface color - the template colors are available here. You can also set a logo and a matching background color here. The logo with the background color will then appear in shared sessions/presentations as well as in the Enter menu at the top left and in the end screen of your presentation.
Click on "Save" at the end to apply the setting to the entire presono platform.
2. Share Duration
Here you can set how long the links are valid for shared sessions and presentations. For individual shared sessions or presentations, however, this time can still be adjusted individually. Find out more here: Manage and analyze shared content (Shared analytics for shared presentations)
This is the value that is used by default for shared links.
Click on "Save" at the end to apply the setting to the entire presono platform.
3. Offline Timeout
Um zu verhindern, dass deine User mit veralteten Daten präsentieren, kannst du hier global einstellen, wie lange die User mit der Offline App (Windows, Mac) maximal offline sein dürfen, ohne zu synchronisieren. Du kannst hier einstellen, wie lange die App offline genutzt werden kann und wie viele Tage vor Ablauf der Zeit eine Erinnerung diesbezüglich erscheinen soll.
Ist die Zeit abgelaufen, erscheint ein Hinweis in der App direkt nach dem Öffnen. Die App kann dann nicht mehr genutzt werden, bevor keine vollständige Synchronisation durchgeführt wurde.
4. Privacy policy for shared contents
Here, in addition to the presono privacy policy, you can add your own. These will then be displayed with shared content. You can set a link for each UI language here (German, English, French).
5. Disable PDF creation and sharing for shared content
With this setting, you deactivate the creation and sharing of PDFs for all shared sessions and presentations. PDFs that have already been created and shared can no longer be downloaded from this point on. However, presentations and slides can still be downloaded as PDFs directly from the tool - this setting only affects shared links to prevent outdated PDF content from being available offline.
6. Terms of use for downloading media
Find more about this here: License Texts and Tracking of Media Downloads
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Categories, Workspaces & Rights
Change slide transition effect