Filter position
Show filters when....
Add/Manage filters
Text options
Media galleries can now be used in even more ways! This new feature allows you to use filters in the gallery and thus filter the contained media (or linked media). The filters are created and managed directly in the Slide. These filters can be used for product configurations, locations, references and much more!
If you are interested in this feature, please contact us at or contact your contact person at our company directly regarding the activation!
Before you start
To create a filter gallery, you first need a slide with a gallery. You can create this as usual. How to do this and what options you have, please find here: Create media galleries
In our example, we will create an overview of travel destinations. There are different destinations to choose from, which can then be filtered by continent and whether it is a destination for city trips or beach vacations.
In the options at the top, you have now added two buttons once the module is active.
At the properties of the content you will find all options to set your filters and the appearance. On the right, in the properties of the selected content, you will find the filters that you can apply to the currently selected media.
Filter position
Click on the Filter icon and first of all choose the position of your filters.
This will now show you the section for the filters in your gallery section and the filter icon will become active.
Show filters when....
Next, you select how you want your filters to behave. You have the following options:
- All filters match: With this you limit your selection the more filters you choose during the presentation. In our example we make a filter for vacation destinations and if this option is activated, the only destination that will be shown is Rio de Janero, if you select "America" and "City trip".
- One filter matches: this option will expand your selection during the presentation. The more filters you set, the more options will be displayed. In the example, the filters "city trip" and "Europe" would show all results that have the city trip filter, plus those having the Europe filter.
Add/Manage filters
Now we can create our filters. Use the plus icon and type the name of your filter into the green field. Confirm with a click on the checkmark or with Enter.
You can either change the order of your filters by drag-and-drop when grabbing the filters at the six dots on the left and moving them, or you can use the arrows at the top.
You can delete individual filters or delete them all at once - with the two bucket icons.
Tip: If you translate your slide, you can of course also translate the filter texts. But for this we would advise you to first complete the first language completely and link it, then you only need to translate the titles of the filters (and if necessary the text in the captions) in your translation!
Text options
After that you can set all the text settings for your filters. The following options are available:
- font size: determines the text size of your filter texts
- container size: how much of your media section (where the gallery is located) is taken up by the filter bar
- padding: here you can set individually how big the distance between your filter text and the page margins should be
- alignment: determine the alignment of the text here
- distance to icon: here you set the distance between the filter icon and the filter text
- filter margin: this sets the spacing (in this case, the spacing between the lines) between the individual filter options. Here, of course, there are differences if the filters are arranged next to each other (filters at the top/bottom of the section) or below each other (filters at the left/right of the section).
- text color: here you can set the color of the filter text
- background color: here you can also set the background color of the filter bar
Below you will find the settings for the icon and the icon colors.
- You can choose between 8 different filter icons and always see what they will look like when selected or not selected.
- Here you can set whether the filter icon should be in front of or behind the text.
- Here you set the size of the icon
- This option is enabled by default. You can set whether the icon should differ in color or not, depending on whether the filter is selected or not. You can set the corresponding colors in the two tabs below. The second one appears only after you have removed this checkmark.
Apply Filters
Once you have made all the settings, you can apply the filters to your media.
To do this, click on the individual media either directly in the gallery or at the bottom right in your gallery section. Then click on the filter icon in the upper right corner and set your filters.
Then select the next media and repeat the process. Of course you can use the arrows above to go to the next media.
At the end check if all your media have a filter. To do this, you can use the small icon that appears next to the media in the gallery section once filters have been set on that media.
At the end click on save in the upper right corner and you can test the filters in your presentation!
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