What is a Template Set?
Create Template Set
Set a thumbnail
Change name and location
Using a Template Set
In this article you will learn what is meant by a template set,how to create it and how to use it.
What is a Template Set?
A template set is a collection of layout templates and background templates. A template set can consist of several background and layout templates, but must contain at least one of each. You can only use layout templates with background templates from the same template set.
Create Template Set
Click the button "new" in the upper right corner in the content structure or the plus icon directly on the dashboard! Next select "create new template set".
Now you have to assign a name(1) for your template set and then choose a workspace(2) and category(s)(3), so that you can find the content again later at any time. Click "save"(4) and your template set will be created.
Now you can first create Background Templates and then Layout Templates. You will learn how to do this in the articles Creating Background Templates and Creating Layout Templates.
presono's tip:
If you click on the three dot menu for a background template or layout template, you can also duplicate, remove or copy templates to another template set.
Set a thumbnail
Click the pencil icon. Now you can drag an image into the area. You can also click on the area and search for the image on your computer.
Then click "upload" and your picture will be set as thumbnail.
If you have already set an image you can delete it at any time or choose another one. For that just click the pencil icon again.
Change name and location
Click the pencil icon next to the name to change name, workspace and category(s) of your template set at any time.
presono's tip:
If you have CSS knowledge, you can click "Custom styles" to create CSS styles for your template set to use them on sections in the Templates.
Using a Template Set
Once you have created a template set, you can use the included templates to create slides.
You will learn how to do this in the article Creating slides.